Learning languages requires multiple skills to develop, so here are some benefits of group learning:
You have time to think your answer: Sometimes in 1-to-1 lessons you end up so exhausted because thinking in another language requires some time, so listening others give you time to develop you thought.
You hear new vocabulary all the lesson long: Because every student learns from different teacher and different countries you can share all the way to express the same idea the target language
Make new friends: You can always practice your target language with people having the same learning goals
Having fun: Language lessons are always fun there are a lot of anecdote about communicating in the target language, so you can have a lot of fun sharing you experience.
Develop motivation: It is amazing to share new strategies to overcome difficulties mastering the target language, so on top of being a language lesson there is also a coaching lesson to help you to master the language.
So, let's enjoy together learning Spanish!